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Long to Short URL Names

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:01 am
by Administrator
1red5 wrote:

How to truncate long URL addresses when putting it in a post;
1) highlight the URL and right click on it or CTRL C, to copy it
2) go into the post box and type: [url=
3) paste the URL directly after the = sign, do not leave a space
4) close the URL link with square bracket ]
5) type in a word appropriate to the URL, eg. if it's an eBay URL then type "eBay" (or just type "click" or "link")
6) end it with [/url]

example: url=]click[/url]
Note: beginning square bracket [ to begin with, but deleted in above example or else you won't see the full text.

With the above example, your URL post will only have the word "click" instead of a very long URL address.